English, asked by 9bjiyasalaria, 6 months ago

an asl speech on the topic science blessing Or cruse​


Answered by saniya2080


Science has revolutionized the human existence. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of man has been influenced by it. It has made man’s life more comfortable. Agriculture, business, transport, communication and medicine to name a few are all highly indebted to the wonders science has produced.

Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. It is a source of energy. It can run any type of machinery. With the help of electricity, we can light our rooms run buses and trains, and lift water for irrigation.

The discovery and development of a large number of powerful energy sources coal, petroleum, natural gas, electricity, etc. have facilitated the growth of fast modes of transport an communication, which in turn have changed the world into a global village. Science has given man the means of travelling cars, trains, ships, etc. Man has even travelled to the moon. Faster means of transport can be utilized for sending food grains to victims of famine or epidemics across the globe, for transporting armed men for fighting in distant places.Science has benefited agriculture too. The food production levels and quality have improved. Soil analysis, hybrid verities of crops, fertilizers, pesticides, advanced tools and machinery, improved irrigation methods, etc. have all contributed to the increase of the production of crops.

Today we have metrological satellites in outer space sending data and pictures to earth stations helping agriculture scientists find and analyses soil patterns. They also help them trace the progress of rains winds and even locusts that endanger crops. Satellites can even forewarn about natural calamities like hurricanes which cause mass destruction.

Man with the help of science, has been able to increase longevity, arrest the gradual decay of human body and control the spread of lethal diseases by making extraordinary life prolonging drugs and medicines. Diseases like tuberculosis and many kinds of cancer which were considered fatal a few decades ago are no longer incurable.

One of the biggest achievements of science is in the field of entertainment. Leisure management industry, with television shows, music concerts and films, is emerging as emerging as the largest and the most important industry in the twenty first century satellite television has made it possible for millions of people to watch sporting and entertainment events taking place in different parts of the world simultaneously

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