English, asked by birundasatish, 1 month ago

An Autobiography of an endangered animals in 1000 words.


Answered by aamuktha2309


The Autobiography of a Tiger

I can still remember those good old times when I used to roam free in my forest home. But . . . now it doesn’t bear thinking about. It makes me cry to recall all those memories. To think of how there just about a thousand of us left in the wild. And how I was captured, tortured, and now . . . . in contrast to everything, they have completely diminished the little pride I had, by imprisoning and putting me on show!

I would assume a king’s attitude, and strut around the forest as if my word was command. Long naps during the day, and work at night. By work, I mean, I have to catch my own food. The plump deer and other animals always look so inviting when my stomach is growling. I used to stalk them, and then by the time they came to know . . . too late for them. I would pounce on my prey, and my hunger would be satisfied.

I, the mighty tiger, born in that grove of dry trees in the Savannah, am now a stock prisoner. I am hardly fed, and I really miss the jungle that I was so fond of. That was the only place that I had ever called home. With that, I have lost my friends, who were what I had ever called family. With them, the sweet memories, which were what I had ever known as happiness. You, and your mankind can enjoy your fortune, but then why can’t I?

make me a branlist plsss

Answered by ishwaryam062001


An Autobiography of an endangered animals in 1000 words.


From the above question,

They have given :

An Autobiography of an endangered animals in 1000 words.

I am an endangered animal. I have seen a lot in my lifetime, and I’ve been around for a long time. I used to be plentiful, but now I’m considered rare and endangered. My species is in danger, and it’s up to us to make sure that we don’t go extinct.

My species is the polar bear. I am a large mammal, and I live primarily in the Arctic regions. I have thick white fur that helps me stay warm in the cold climate of the Arctic. I have a long neck and a short snout. My paws have thick fur to help me walk on the ice and snow.

My diet consists mostly of fish and seals. I am an excellent swimmer and can often be found near the sea ice hunting for food. I can also be found on land, where I will scavenge for food or hunt small animals.

I’m an important part of the Arctic ecosystem. Without me, the food chain would be disrupted, and the entire ecosystem could be thrown off balance. I help to keep the population of seals and other animals in check, and I also provide food for other animals.

Unfortunately, my species is in danger. Climate change is having a negative effect on my environment. The sea ice is melting, making it harder for me to hunt and find food. Human activity is also contributing to the melting of the sea ice, as well as other environmental problems.

My population is decreasing, and I am classified as a vulnerable species. Conservation efforts are being made to protect my species, but much more needs to be done. I hope that my species will be saved before it is too late.

I am an endangered animal, and I am part of a species that needs to be protected. My future is uncertain, but I remain hopeful that my species will be saved and that I will be able to live out the rest of my life in the Arctic.

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