An autobiography of an owl
I have a flat face with large eyes and the circle of feathers;
I have a binocular vision which means that I can see the three-dimensional image of my surroundings;
I have a flexible neck, which means that I can turn my neck as much as 2800;
I am a very large bird (approximately 71 cm long and 4,2 kg weight) but some of my relatives are smaller;
I am a female and I am larger than the males of my species;
I can produce different sounds;
I have a specialized hearing and vision;
People often use me as a rodent control.
I inspired many mythological stories in many different cultures. In Japan people believe that I bring good luck and usually I am carried as a lucky charm. I am an inspiration of the many “bogeyman” stories. Maybe that is because of my non-specific look, or the fact that I am out in the night. But I am not so bad. I just live in the best way that I can. And you must admit – I am a kind of cute, aren’t I?