An autobiography on a tree (in 100 to 120 words)
I am a tree, tall and imposing, standing all alone near the campus of a temple. My life is ever so interesting as, I see a huge spectrum of society, funny gestures of people, and hear all kinds of conversation of the devotees who pass by me.
I was not always so huge. As is true of all living beings I was also a long time back, a young sapling with this huge tree within me. At that time I looked fresh and beautiful as all other beings who are young, but, at that time I was of course not so imposing. This is what I have seen about life that, every stage has something good about it.
I am an old pine tree. I wasn’t planted by anyone, with the seed from my neighbour I just happened to grow all by myself.
There is a long line of us on the mountain. Fruits like cherries, berries, plums and apricots would grow in the green expose around me.
I take a lot of credit for the fame that has been enjoyed by the place where we grow. Had I not been here along with my companions, this place would have been as bare as a desert.
However, now the time has come when I have a great fear in my heart. We have seen many of us being cut down by the People who live here and also by builders who come from the big cities.
I do know that I will not die a natural death. I have to prepare myself for the pain that I have to suffer at the hands of those who chop us down.
Each morning I pray to god had asked him to grant these humans with some sense. I pray that they may let us live and make this earth a healthier and more beautiful space for us and them to live in.