“An efficient speaker of language needs much more than vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of the language.” Discuss. Provide examples of four activities that you would organize to develop the spoken English of the learners.
An efficient speaker is a person who can attract their audience
Neither vocabulary nor grammar can make you an effective speaker. A person who can influence the audience with their speech can become an effective speaker. Body language and your speech play an equal role in this process. First, get thorough information on the topic you are going to speak about. Second, practice it well. Third, practice it before a mirror so that you know your body language and can make corrections. Four give a speech to your family members so that you can gain confidence and adjust mistakes. These four activities can help you become an efficient speaker.
Spoken English Activity
It is absolutely true an efficient speaker of language needs much more than vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of the language. An English language trainer is required to be extremely innovative. He/ she must have the ability to improvise and make engrossing and practical speaking activities. Following speaking activities can be conducted in the class:
1. Learners can be asked to speak briefly about themselves, family members, friends, favorite book, TV program, etc.
2. Learners can be given topics (cue cards) and asked to speak on the topic for one minute.
3. Learners can be formed into small groups and using visual, audio inputs to start a discussion. It should be ensured that every group member speak.
4. Debate can be held and the learners can be invited to speak in favor or against a given topic.