An engine pumps out 950 liters of water in a minute. How much time will it take to pump out 1396500 liters of water ?
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- Simply applying division method here]
This types of questions can be solved easily by unitry method. To solve this types of question at first we have to note or write all the clue which is given in your questions from it we can infer easily what we have to do.
Answered by
AnsweR :
An engine pumps out 950 liters of water in a minute.
We need to find the time for 1396500 liters.
Here we need to use directly proportional relation.
950 liters ↔ 1 minute
1396500 liters ↔ ? minutes
⇒ ? = ( 1396500 ) / ( 950 )
⇒ ? = 1470 minutes
Hence total time taken to pump out 1396500 liters of water is 1470 minutes , i.e., 24.5 hours.
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