An essay about a perfect day
Today, The sun shine was so bright and clear. I woke up with excitement dreaming of how my day is going to be! I got ready much earlier than I always do. I got my favourite breakfat (Pan Cakes with Chockolate and Vanilla Cream) that I thanked my mom so much. I packed my bag and I realized that I forgot to do my Home Work. I was walking slowly to the bus stop enjoying the sun shine and again I was early. This was probably my first day in which I didnt miss the bus. Me and my bus friend who got in a fight and didnt talk for a long time became friends again. She also gave me a basket with a lot of gifts telling that she was sorry and i politely forgived her. I went to school and my friends were so excited to see me and then we got warm hugs and again so many gifts. Now comes that bad time my home work, the class was very exciting but i was full of tension but my teacher forgot that she assigned us home work. I was so happy. After I went home I slept thinking about the perfect day of my life.