English, asked by vaibhav1124, 9 months ago

An essay of 300 words on technology has destroyed our childhood


Answered by hollywoodcity234




Technology has both advantages and disadvantages to children these days. In today’s society we are overwhelmed with technology. Technology is changing everyday, and will forever be a staple in our lives. The effect that technology has on our children has brought on some concerns and some praises. Children these days have no choice but to some how are influenced by the ever-growing technology in our societies. Our common concern has been that although technology has boosted children’s talent for multitasking, their ability to process information deeply may be deteriorating. The current generation of children is completely different from the previous ones. They are living in the digital age. “Technology has blended in with daily activity to become a way of life and children today take for granted all of which is automated. It is hard for kids today to imagine a world that existed without all of the gadgets, electronics and seamless operations that computer technology provides.” (Goessl) “Children in the United States devote some 40 hours a week to television, video games and the Internet.” (Kalb, Raymond and Adams) Many psychologists and researchers are concerned about the impact that technology may have on children. Limitations:

Does it benefit or ruin your childhood? Technology meaning the use of cellphones, televisions, I pads, computers. Age group from 4-10. Yes:

Children become obese, fear nature, limiting outdoor play, which is essential for achieving sensory and motor development and meaningful interactions. With active video games, children do not increase in physical activity possibly due to games played with minimal effort or children exercise less. Children sleep hours are disrupted as their minds are still active thinking about the games they were playing or because they are up late playing games. Children become anti-social, as they are pre-occupied using different electronic devices instead...Continue Reading

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