An essay on Corona warriors
First came the doctors, nurses, ward boys, pathologists, pharmacists and their ilk. As stricter norms came to be implemented, the policemen came to the fore. With the lockdown, the providers of essential supplies made their presence felt: milk, vegetables, grocery, newspaper, water, electricity, telecommunication and banking among others. To stem the exodus of migrant labour, the good Samaritans sprung up from every nook and corner and started kitchens to feed the needy.
More or less like the various stages of the journey of coronavirus, the list of corona warriors also expanded. Thus, suddenly, a large number of organisations and individuals jumped into the fray and there was a fair bit of mixing and cross-fertilization of roles. Thus the policemen started supplying rations and medicines, the postmen started delivering cash and essential commodities, railway coaches turned into isolation wards and the media started awareness campaigns and gave other assistance to the affected persons. Khadi and other textile units engaged in making and supplying of masks which subsequently spread to community clusters.
It is unfortunate, though, that guided missiles are being aimed at some of these corona warriors by some "masked", misguided and ill-informed elements of society. A few of these corona warriors have risked their lives in service of those very persons who had attacked them. Again, in some cities, the newspaper delivery warriors are not being allowed to engage in the battle.
We need to support them by following all the rules by staying at home or by working outside with proper distancing.