An essay on life during COVID-19 it’s urgent and it has to be for 10th class students I’ll mark them as brainliest
The last few months have been some of the most trying for our city. The lockdown tested all our systems and community strength — and we are being tested now again.
In the days following George Floyd’s murder, I sought out Black colleagues to ask how they were feeling and how they thought we should respond. Some are cabinet members and some are entry-level workers. Many have been participating in the protests and helping to support the movement for justice.
What I heard was heartbreaking. As a white person, you can and you should oppose racism. You can learn how it shapes our society. But when you make space for people you know to truly open up, and when you really hear what a daily experience racism is for them, it deepens your perspective and strengthens your resolve to be an ally and push for change.
When I got into recovery, I learned that it’s not just about stopping drinking, it’s about changing the human being. Many days, the Serenity Prayer kept me sober. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Injustice is something we can and we must change.
So I ask everyone who is white to listen, truly listen, to Black neighbors, friends, and colleagues. Listen, learn, and resolve to be part of the solution. Now is a moment to make a bold step forward in our nation’s progress. We must have the wisdom to embrace it
you know covid 19
you know covid 19