An essay on nip the evil in the bud
Once an Arab was crossing a long desert. He was on the back of his camel. It was winter season. One night he was sleeping soundly inside his tent. His camel was tied outside. It was biting cold. The camel could not bear the cold. He felt quite envious of his master sleeping inside the warm tent. He hi: upon a plan to oust his master. He requested the Arab that it was very cold outside and if he was permitted to put his neck inside the tent and have the warmth of it. The Arab was kind enough to permit the camel to put his head inside the tent. The clever camel put his neck inside the inner flap of the tent and the Arab moved himself to other side.
After sometime the camel made a request to the Arab to allow him to bring his forelegs inside the tent. The merciful Arab made no objection. Again the camel sought the permission for his hump to be brought inside the cozy tent. The Arab who was a noble soul permitted him. Now it was only his hind legs that were outside and shivering with cold. He wanted to bring them in too.
After a little while, the camel very humbly requested the Arab to complete the job of bringing in the total of himself. The Arab very meekly permitted for this. Now the camel was in full inside the tent lie felt the place too small for both of them. So he wanted to occupy the whole of the tent. So without any further thought he pushed his kind master out of the lent, saying, “The place is too small for both of us.” Thus the kind Arab had to spend the whole night out in the cold winds of the desert.
Moral- nip the evil in the bub
Many years ago, there was a poor old woman. She had an only son who was very dear to her. She would never rebuke him even he did his evil things. She loved him too much to scold him for his wrongs. One day her son came with a toy he had stolen from the school. Instead of advising him and discouraging him, the woman smiled and ignored his wrong act. This type of response from his mother encouraged the boy and he began to steal things from school. Every day, he came with a new thing stolen from school and his mother said nothing.
As he grew up, he started stealing the things from neighboring houses.
As a result, he grew up a notorious thief. He would not care even for human lives that came his way. At last, he committed a murder and was caught by the police. He was sentenced to death.
His last wish before death was to see his mother. When they brought her, she tried to embrace him. As soon as she did so, he bit off her ear and the old woman began screaming. Every one present cursed him for his mad act. But they were soon satisfied when they heard the story from the prisoner.
He told them that it was she who was the cause of his death. She had not taught him the difference between right and wrong. Had she been good enough to discourage him from stealing petty things from school he would not have been hanged today.
Moral Lesson: Nip the evil in the bud.