English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

An essay on power of waste


Answered by bhavan7srini

power wasted by phones ,laptop,tablet and etc

bhavan7srini: I am not mad are you
dharineesh47: mental
dharineesh47: not you my classmate bhavan7srini
Answered by ankurdas3214
Waste refers to waste of all types of resources, but especially the material resources which constitute a significant portion. Wastages are seen in all walks of life, such as improper closing off water taps, use of wood and cow dung as fuel, unnecessary turning on lights and conspicuous left over at dining tables etc.

Up to about 10 to 15 percent grains in our country are eaten by birds, rats and other insects which can convert the deficit into surplus. Wastages can result in industry due to over specifications or under specifications.

ankurdas3214: great sunday
ankurdas3214: what
ankurdas3214: something?
ankurdas3214: i understand at 6
ankurdas3214: i feel on general
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