200-250 WORDS
By line - the name of the writer
BodyPara I: Introduction –
Para II: Content -Causes, effects, present state of affairs, etc.
Para III: Conclusion -Draw solutions and conclusions
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As defined by FAO and WHO Probiotics are: “live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host” (World Health Organization, 2001). This definition shows two significant characteristics of a probiotic product .The first one is that these products should contain live microorganisms and secondly the live microorganisms must be in an accurate amount to exert their health benefits (Yildez, 2009).
Micro-organisms must have a number of characteristics before they can be considered as probiotics. These include the ability to survive the gastric acid and bile salts of the gastrointestinal tract, colonising in the intestinal mucosa, lack of pathogenicity and the capacity to exert a health improvement on the host. It is unlikely that any one probiotic strain possesses all of these characteristics however, some beneficial effect on human health must have been demonstrated (Tamime, 2005).
Élie Metchnikoff was the first person who reported a correlation between the long life of the Bulgarian peasants and the consumption of fermented dairy products, he mainly related to lactic acid bacteria. Nowadays, the probiotic bacteria used in functional dairy products mainly belong to Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria genera (Heller, 2001). These bacteria have the ability to improve the microbial balance of the human gut, they antagonize pathogens by making antibacterial compounds and compete for pathogen binding. Their other functions are changing gut pH, simulating immunomodulatory cells and producing lactase (Kopp-Hoolihan, 2001