An essay on the catastrophic earthquakes in indonesia last few year
Indonesia is the country that contains the most active volcanoes of all countries in the world. The Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate and Indo-Australian Plate are three active tectonic plates that cause the subduction zones that form these volcanoes. Indonesia is estimated to have 129 volcanoes, all carefully observed by the Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi), because a number of Indonesian volcanoes show continuous activity. Moreover, it is estimated more than five million people are living (and/or working) within the "danger zone" of a volcano (who need to be evacuated immediately in case of significantly rising activity).
There is at least one significant volcano eruption in Indonesia every year. However, usually it does not cause great damage to the environment or cause casualties as most of the active volcanoes are located in isolated regions.
Some notable volcanic eruptions in Indonesia's modern history are listed below. This list only contains major eruptions that led to at least 20 fatalities.