English, asked by gauri554, 10 months ago

an essay on the importance of education in the growth of our nation.​


Answered by bhramanand53

Human beings today need to have a specific set of skills to survive in this competitive world as well as progress. This set of skills can be referred to as Education.

Importance Of EducationEducation is important for a country to grow. Whether it is economically or socially, education plays a vital role in the growth of these two important factors.

Here are some important ways in which education helps in a country’s progress.

Education helps people become better Citizens:

Educated people are aware of the socio-economic scenario of the country and can help in the progress of the country. Whether it is a simple thing like using water sparingly or taking a bus to work instead of using the bike or car in order to save fuel, the educated mass somehow or the other knows how to contribute towards the country’s well-being. One of the reasons for their awareness is because they have been taught these values in school, colleges and work places.

People who aren’t educated don’t have clues about these facts as they haven’t been in a learning environment.

Education Shows The Importance Of Voting:

Education helps to decide whom to vote in order to make a difference in the economy of a country positively. Being educated helps in deciding why to vote for a particular party over the other. Uneducated people are unaware of the importance of choosing the right people to vote for. Hence, being educated shows us the importance of voting.

Education helps in getting Jobs:

It goes without saying that unless a person is educated, he or she cannot get a worthwhile job. Unemployment is a serious obstacle in the development and progress in a country’s economic status, thus posing a hindrance to the growth of the nation. The economic status of so many countries in the world is pathetic, due to the lack of educated people who do not possess adequate skills and thus are unemployed.

Education helps Single Mothers:

Single mothers who aren’t educated cannot get a decent job to support their children, which is a necessity in their situations. Being educated can help a single mom find jobs as well as make them aware of certain schemes such as child support benefits and ways to reach for such benefits like a csa phone number child support agency to contact the agencies that offer such help. This can help them in better upbringing of their children, thus helping them to become responsible citizens of the country.

Sophie Samuel is a blogger from London in UK. She loves kids and therefore loves to write articles related to children. As a single mother, she took up writing as her profession to meet the educational expenses of her kids and the family. She says that child support agency has helped her much in upbringing her kids and she recommends the same to any single parent looking for guidance. For any guidance during emergency situations regarding her children, she calls in the child support phone number for assistance.

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