English, asked by rambahdoor1982, 6 months ago

an essay on the topic- BURN YOUR EGO BEFORE IT BURNS YOU​


Answered by pazhaniakshaiadhi

Learn to let go of your ego and express what you feel. Love which is not expressed has no meaning.Care which is not shown has no value.

We may be good at heart but We hold on to our ego for the fear of being inferior ,being vulnerable. But only when you let go will you be able to see the good in people , only then will you see the people who genuinely love and care for you . Else there’s the greater risk of losing your loved ones , the ones who eventually got tired of loving us without expectations .

What are you scared of ? Scared that you’ll be too little ? Scared to show that you care ? Scared that if you express your feelings , what if you don’t get responded like you expected ? Scared of being let down ?

Well ,everybody has two faces (or more must I say ). Ones where we can be ourselves and the other where we are constantly conscious of our actions ,words, other people all of that.

And when they love somebody truly, they love without conditions, without expectations , they’re not afraid to love more , they’ll go to extends to see the people they love happy , they don’t hide feelings ,they’re angry you see it , they’re sad you see it , they’re happy you see it.

When somebody loves you truly, as in ,they know you have such and such flaws , they know they won’t be loved back in the same way they do, and still choose to be by your side , be the first ones to be there in times of your need , no matter how much you hurt them , you go back and they’re there ; ready to forgive and forget . They’re ready to give chances , again and again. Yes , those people, don’t let go of them. Don’t take advantage of their love , don’t take them for granted , don’t think ” I’ll make up later ; she’ll still be there , she’ll still forgive , don’t hide your faults,don’t keep giving excuses over excuses,because in the end we’re all humans and eventually get tired Of giving and giving and constantly feeling worthless and undeserving.

And by the time you’ve realized it , the person might have moved on , because hey! “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Hurting them over and over again without owning up to your mistakes and taking them for granted and putting your ego above everything only teaches them how to live without you more . And more. Finally they’d be in a better place and might as well ask themselves ;why should I settle for this when I clearly deserve better ?!

Disobey the voice in your head that says “let them call first”/ let her text first / they did the mistake/ he said those words

Love can only be shown through actions,it cannot be expressed in words nor can you tear yourself apart and show it .

Show genuine care. It’s not show off . It’s never show off .

The little things matter the most .

Put aside your ego,show what you really feel inside .

For once , show her/him/them that you love them back and you do realize that they love and care about you.

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ahladp: Your writing skills are underappreciated. I see you barely get any Thanks for the amazing answers you've been writing. I'd suggest you try a platform where your writing skills will be truly appreciated, unlike this one where people who spam get more recognition than those who produce quality content.
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