An essay on water pollution 250 words
Water is the most important resource for survival on a planet. It is the essence of life on our planet – Earth. Yet if you ever see a river or lake around your city, it would be evident to you that we are facing a very serious problem of Water pollution. Let us educate ourselves about water and water pollution. Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, seventy-six perfect of your body is made up of water.
Water pollution is the pollution of bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, seas, the oceans, as well as groundwater. It occurs when pollutants reach these bodies of water, without treatment. Waste from homes, factories and other buildings get into the water bodies and as a result water gets contaminated .
Water pollution is a problem for the species and ecosystems there. It affects plants and organisms living in the water. In almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the wider biological communities. The colour is usually green or brown but normal water can be blue.
Agriculture is one of the major sources of water pollution. The fertilizers given to the crops for better growth are washed into rivers and lakes, which in turn pollutes the water.
There are many chemicals that are naturally found in these bodies of water. Today water may be polluted by nitrates, phosphates, oil, acid rain, and debris such as sediment, fallen logs and so on. When people and animals drink water from such rivers, the poisonous chemicals may affect them. Life in rivers are also affected, and humans who consume fish may also have health problems.[1]
The level of fresh water on the ground is decreasing every day. Availability of drinking water on the earth is limited, while it is also polluted due to man's wrong activities. In the absence of fresh drinking water, it is very difficult to assess the possibility of life on earth. Water utility and quality Water fall In water, getting external elements through organic, inorganic, biological and radiology is water pollution.
Hazardous pollutants remain for various types of inaccuracy, including harmful chemicals, dissolved gas, dormant substances, dissolved minerals and germs. All pollutants reduce the amount of oxygen dissolved in water and affect humans and animals on a large scale. To continue the life of plants and animals, oxygen dissolved oxygen in water required by the aquatic system. However, to oxidize the waste of organic matter, the oxygen required by biological substances is oxygen-biochemistry and oxygen. Water pollution occurs due to two reasons, a natural pollution (the disintegration of rocks, the result of organic matter, waste of dead creatures, sedimentation, soil erosion etc.) and other man-made water pollution (forest cutting, planting of industries near water bodies High level emissions of source, industrial waste, domestic sewage, synthetic chemicals, radio-religious wastes, manure, pesticides etc.)