An eye-catching idea must be developed into a_
A. Product idea
B. Product concept
C. Product strategy
An attractive idea must be developed into a ________.
A) product idea
B) product concept
C) screened product
D) test market
E) product strategy
Answer: B
A catchy concept is only the first step in the process of developing a product. Once a concept has been discovered, it must be further developed into a specific action plan that can be carried out in order to produce a successful product.
This procedure entails giving the concept a concrete form that may be shown to potential clients or financiers.
An appealing concept must be developed into a successful product by:
Determine the target market's demands and preferences by identifying the product's target audience.
Make a product concept: A product concept is an outline of the features and advantages of the product.
Create a product strategy: A product strategy is a plan outlining the development and marketing of the product.
So, the correct option in B.
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