An ideal gas is pumped into a rigid container having diathermic walls so that the temperature remains constant. In a certain time interval, the pressure in the container is doubled. Is the internal energy of the contents of the container also doubled in the interval ?
Yes, the internal energy will also be doubled.
The number of moles, n are continuously increasing, as ideal gas is continuously being pumped into the container.
if P1 = Initial Pressure
P2 = Pressure after some time.
At a stage Pressure,
P2 = 2P1
n2 = 2n1
Thus, internal energy, U = nCvT will double as the number of moles get doubled.
A constant injection of an ideal gas into the pipe. Therefore the number of moles, n is increasing continuously. In a given interval,
P is pressure
Therefore, internal resources, Is going to double as the number of moles doubles.
Ideal gas:-
An ideal gas is described as one in Which all collisions between atoms or molecules are completely elastic, and there are no inter-molecular attractive forces. One can imagine it as a series of colliding perfectly hard spheres but otherwise not interacting with each other.