English, asked by hshamimara8016, 1 year ago

An ideal teacher essay about 150 eords


Answered by hritiksingh1


An ideal teacher is someone who is passionate about education and molding young minds for the betterment of society. In earlier years we did have many such teachers.

Unfortunately that is not the case now. For many teachers, teaching is only a profession that brings in bread and butter. Also, teaching is one of the lowest paid professions in India.

Because of this the best minds are not attracted to teaching. A good teacher needs patience first and foremost. Children are difficult to handle and their attention gets diverted often. So teachers must deal with them patiently. She should make her classes as interesting as possible instead of merely reciting dates and facts.

Answered by Anonymous


Teaching is a noble profession. The teacher is a respected person. In ancient India the teacher had a place of respect next to one’s mother and father. In those days, men of wisdom with unlimited knowledge were teachers. Students used to go in search of such teachers to get educated. ‘Guru’ as the teachers were then called was very much respected by society. ‘Guru’ enjoyed a lot of respect even with the king of the land. Education was then limited to a few.

In courser of time, education was democratized. Education was open for all irrespective of caste, class, creed or place of birth. There arose a need for many schools and also for many teachers. We have now all kinds of teachers teaching from pre-primary level to the university level. Among all teachers, who is an ideal teacher? All teachers may not be ideal teachers. However, there are many ideal teachers even today. They are a class of their own.

An ideal teacher to be so called should possess a few special abilities. The students love their teacher as their hero. They would like to follow every word that the teacher says and every action that he does. The influence of such a teacher on the students is so much that whatever he says is considered as truth, and whatever he does is considered to be perfect.

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