English, asked by merin86, 10 months ago

An interview with Evelyn glennie how to prepare to my class teacher


Answered by thekjazz2120


Within the vast community of music performers in the world, many are competent, some are truly wonderful and a very few are extraordinary. Evelyn Glennie is among that rare group on the top who not only bring special value to their artistry but give of themselves in a unique way.

For the details of her background and current performing schedule, I'll direct you to her website which is listed in her biography at the end of this interview. Suffice it to say that she has taken this specific arena of music and made it her own in such a way as to enhance it and develop it and mold it into something unexpected until her arrival.

Glennie performs both alone and with ensembles all over the world. It was on her tour early in 1994 that she came to Chicago and I was fortunate to be granted about 40 minutes for a conversation. Hearing her speak, one would never guess that she is deaf. After having my beard and mustache trimmed for the occasion, I made sure to always face her directly and to enunciate things clearly. She read my lips with accuracy and responded to my questions with thought and wit.


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