Chemistry, asked by yabe, 11 months ago

an optically active compound which gives blue colour in Victor Meyer test is


Answered by Phoca

Victor mayer test is used to distinguish between the primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol. In this test alcohol is treated with iodine in presence of phosphorous to get iodo alkane. This iodo alkane reacts with silver nitrite which further reacts with sodium hydroxide. After reacting with sodium hydroxide, primary alcohol produces red colour complex, while secondary alcohol produces blue complex and tertiary not produces any color complex.

Therefore, according to question it suppose to be secondary alcohol which may be R_1-CH(OH)-R_2. As it is indicated it is optically active compound thenR_1 not be equivalent to R_2. Thus, most possible compound with lowest chain structure of secondary alkane giving victor mayer test is CH_3- CH(OH)-CH_2- CH_3.

Thus, isobutyl alcohol gives victor mayer test.

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