Chemistry, asked by lovealSubnalindhiv, 1 year ago

An organic compound A has a molecular formula C²H⁴o² it is used as a preservative in pickles. this compound reacts with ethanolto form a sweet smelling compound B (1)identifiey compound A (2) write chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound B (3)how can we get compaund A from B(4)name the process write corresponding chemical equation(5)which gas is produced when compound A reacts with washing soda? write the chemical equation.


Answered by NA2000
compound A is ethanoic acid
ethanoic acid + ethanol gives ester and water
ethanol + conc.H2so4 gives ethanoic acid
CO2 gas is produced
ethanoic acid + Na2CO3 gives sodium acetate ,water and CO2
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