An organic compound A of molecular formula C2H6O on oxidation with dilute alkaline KMnO4 gives an acid B with the same no. of carbon atoms. Compound A is often used for sterilization of skin by doctors. (i) Name A and B (ii) Write the chemical equation involved in the formation of B from A

i) A - Ethanol & B - Ethanoic acid
(ii) C2H50H+2(O)(oxygen)⟶CH3COOH(aceticacid)+H2O
As we know that alkene can react with cold, acidic, and alkaline potassium permanganate and form different products so alkaline KMnO4 being an oxidizing agent when added to an alkene results in the formation of the ketonic or acidic compound.
As we know that the carbon-carbon double bond in alkene reacts with the alkaline potassium permanganate followed by acidification and results into a ketone or acidic compound formation. Alkene on reaction with cold, dilute or aqueous solution of potassium permanganate also known as Beyer’s reagent, produces vicinal glycols.
So, But−2−ene on reaction with potassium permanganate oxidizes the compound and results in the formation of two molecules of Ethanoic acid.
We can show this reaction as:
So the first alkene reacts with potassium permanganate and breakdown or double bonds take place resulting in the formation of two aldehydic compounds which on further oxidation produces two molecules of ethanoic acid which is the main product in the following reaction.