Analyse the poem Desiderata as a beacon light to lead a meaningful life.
The poem “Desiderata” can be analyzed as a poem full of practical lessons, morals, and ethics of the life. It focuses on the ways to deal with the world’s reality. The poem advice the readers to be calm and silent to cope up with the everyday struggle of life. The poet asks to be on good terms with the people and to be in good relationship with each other. Since every individual has equal rights to speak and get heard by others, therefore no one should be ignored. One should not consider anyone dull or ignorant and should not ignore them. Rather one should deal with them calmly and positively. One need to avoid people who are aggressive and loud in nature. Such people decrease the morale and productivity. Comparison with others should not be practiced in the day to day life, as these things increase bitterness and negativity in the person’s life. The poet suggests the readers be employed with any work rather than be idle and be unemployed. One should always respect one’s job. While conducting financial transactions one should always be cautious. Helping hand should always be raised for the people who are in need. The poet wants his readers to be satisfied with what they have and have respect for it. Thinking about the things which one lacks or doesn’t have should be avoided because these things bring irritation and uneasiness in life. One should never underestimate the power of love because this enables one to cope up with any difficulty. The poet doesn’t want his readers to be a self-critic of themselves. The ending lines of the poem emphasize the almighty God. He wants his readers to believe in the reality of God who is always there to help him. Though life is full of dreadful things, still one should always praise the beautifulness of the world. One should always be cheerful and put his best to make the life the best one.
'Desiderata' is a poem by Max Ehrmann, that present a guideline to people on how to live a peaceful and meaningful life. We can say that" Desiderata" acts as a beacon light to lead a meaningful life.
Desiderata not only preaches us "what to do" but also" how to do ".
Desiderata enlighten us on -
To be calm and quiet in this noisy world to get inner peace.
To listen our inner voice and voice our view clearly, calmly but not rudely. It also suggests us to listen to the dull and ignorant also as they have some experience of life.
To avoid aggressive and loud people as they are harmful for our soul.
Do not compare yourself with others, as it may cause you to be proud on your achievements or bitter on your failure compared to others. So just enjoy your achievements to lead a happy life.
Focus on your own career, however humble it may be. Be aware of tricky people as they let you down but at the same time do not be blind to the good qualities of some other people. They can motivate you.
Try to become yourself; do not fake love nor become cynical about it.
Strengthen yourself to face future difficulties, but do not worry or distressed yourself by imagining future misshappenings.
Maintain peace with God and and your innerself. Do not let the chaos and confusion of life affect you from within.
With all the fakeness, drudgery and shattered dreams, the world is still beautiful. Look at the world with a positive outlook, believe in its beauty, " be cheerful " and "strive to be happy. "
The poem thus offers a set of simple values ,which when followed could make human life much happier, peaceful and worth living.