History, asked by vikaspatel2471, 1 year ago

analyse the reason for the uniqueness of Delhi as the urban centre.​


Answered by pandeylaxmi584

Metropolitan areas in Iodia are undergoing major transformations. This chapter

focuses on the case of Delhi and highlights recent developments in urban forms

and processes with a view to assessing the adequacy of local definitions and

categorization of human settlements. The dynamics of the metropolitan area of

Delhi will be analyzed from two interrelated perspectives:

evolving urban form, focusing on the processes of periurbanisation and

'rurbanization', inc1uding expansion of suburbs, formation of new residential

quarters in surrounding rural areas and the creation ofsatellite towns;

population redistribution within the metropolitan area.

Firstly the demographic and spatial dimensions of Delhi's metropolitan

dynarnics in terms of population growth, distribution (and redistribution) and

spatial expansion are analyzed. Then the factors contributing to urban

deconcentration and outward expansion are examined. Sorne implications are

drawn regarding categorizing population for further demographic analysis

(reflecting upon the inadequacy of a simple rural/urban dichotomy), defining

relevant limits for measuring urban growth and delimiting zones for the pUIpose of

town and country planning.

This analysis is based on two main sources of data: decennial population

censuses (the most recent conducted in 2001), and a survey on population mobility

conducted in 1995 complemented by indepth interviews and field visits (Dupont

and Prakash, 1999). The survey inc1uded five peripheral zones that illustrate the

The study presented here is part of a larger researeh program on spatial mobility and

residential practiees of Delhi's population, and i15 effeet on the dynarnies of the

metropolis. This prograrn has been finaneed by the Institut de Recherche pour le

Développement (ex-ORSTOM) with additional funding from the CNRS within the

frarnework of Action Concertée en Sciences Sociales (Coocerted Action in the Social

Sciences) ORSTOM-CNRS and ofPIR-Villes. In Iodia, the prograrn was eonducted with

the collaboration and support ofthe Centre de Sciences Humaines based in Delhi (French

Ministry ofExtemal Affairs) and the Institute ofEconomie Growth (Delhi).

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