Economy, asked by lovi5091, 5 months ago

analyse the relationship between qualification and average wage rate


Answered by BiswaShresikha


ecent studies have shown a positive relationship between the proportion of the workforce with higher-level tertiary qualifications and labour productivity. The Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALL) Survey provides an opportunity to look at skill levels in literacy and numeracy, along with educational qualifications, and relate these to hourly wages within industries and occupations. Hourly wages can be viewed as a measure of employee productivity.

This study uses the ALL data to look at the extent to which hourly wages can be explained by skills and qualifications across industries and occupations. It addresses the following questions:

   Do employers value educational qualifications or skills or both?

   For employees with the same level of educational qualification, how much additional value is put on higher levels of literacy and numeracy?

   For employees with the same level of literacy or numeracy, how much additional value is put on having a higher level of education?

   Do some industries or occupations put greater value on literacy and numeracy than others?

The findings of this study are presented in three sections. The first looks at the distribution of literacy and numeracy skills for people in employment. The second looks at the distribution of hourly wages. The third presents results of regression models looking at the relationships of skills, qualifications, occupation and industry to hourly wages.

Answered by salem900j




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