Analyse the role of distribution of land in the economic disparities of rural India.
IXth Economics.
While the central government has for years tried to enforce equal land reforms for the poor. However, the real situation is very different. In Palampur, I would disagree and like to point out that the distribution of Land is not equal at all. According to Statistics, out of 450 families who live there, 150 families do not own any piece of land. Another 240 families cultivate land less than 2 hectres in size and another 60 families are engaged in medium and large cultivation with some exceeding 10 hectres in size. Hence, we can see a clear difference in land holdings.
In the rest of Indian, over 80% of people cultivate 36% of the land while 20% of big farmer cultivate 64% of the land. Despite government efforts, much more work needs to be done
The majority of the people in the rural area are farmers. As a result of this the main occupation is farming.
The more the land division allotted for each farmer the more is the yield of the crop that is raised by that particular Farman and as a result of this more is the welfare will being and the the earning of the farmer. Hens division of land and supply of raw material play a very important role in rural India. with more expenditure the high yielding variety of seed and better irrigation methods can be applied there