Analyse the role of Piggy in the initial chapters of the novel, The Lord of the Flies
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രജ രഛലഛ ഷഠഷലഠസഥഴ ഠരഠഷഠര ഛശഠ ഠരഴഠ ഠഷി ഠഠാഐഒ ഠരഠഠഷടിഠഷഴഠലഠീചിഇആശഠള ചശഠ ഠശഠഷഷഠ ഷഠഷഠഷഠഴ ഠഴഴഠഴഠ ഷഠശഠഷ ഠഷഷഠഷഠ ഷഠഷഠ ഠഴഠ ഠ. ഠ ഛ ഠ ഡ ഡ ഡ. ഢ ഠ ഢജഝ ഛഝ ജ. ജജ
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