-Analyse these sentences.
a. What beautiful cakes she makes !
b. Are you taking your tennis racket?
c. My husband is fetching some wood and coal.
d. Praise the Lord !
e, Nelson defeated the combined fleets of France and Spain.
f. School stories I detest.
g. How many apples did you pull ?
h. Fetch Simpson and Blackman.
i. Have you seen my new dress?
j. What a disturbance she caused I
Answered by
James Joyce
James Joyce was born in Dublin in 1882. He belonged to a Catholic family and got his education from Catholic schools. During his studies he went through a phase of religious zest, however, he rejected the Catholic Church. He was influenced was Ibsen and inspired by his views, Joyce took literary mission as a career. He was sternly against the bigotry of Phillistines in Dublin.
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