Art, asked by MASSAJAMY21, 10 months ago

Analyze five principle of democracy in tanzania


Answered by mariyabhat637


A state of democracy ensures that the processes by which power is ... In the final analysis, however, it is people who make and live.

hope it will help u

thanku n plzz mark me as brainlist plzz

Answered by anutrisha1416


The principles of democracy in tanzania:

1. Democracy is a universally recognised ideal as well as a

goal, which is based on common values shared by peoples through-

out the world community irrespective of cultural, political, social

and economic differences. It is thus a basic right of citizenship to

be exercised under conditions of freedom, equality, transparency

and responsibility, with due respect for the plurality of views, and

in the interest of the polity.

2. Democracy is both an ideal to be pursued and a mode of

government to be applied according to modalities which reflect

the diversity of experiences and cultural particularities without

derogating from internationally recognised principles, norms and

standards. It is thus a constantly perfected and always perfectible

state or condition whose progress will depend upon a variety of

political, social, economic and cultural factors.

3. As an ideal, democracy aims essentially to preserve and

promote the dignity and fundamental rights of the individual, to

achieve social justice, foster the economic and social develop-

ment of the community, strengthen the cohesion of society and

enhance national tranquillity, as well as to create a climate that is

favourable for international peace. As a form of government, de-

mocracy is the best way of achieving these objectives; it is also

the only political system that has the capacity for self-correction.

4. The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine part-

nership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of

society in which they work in equality and complementarity, draw-

ing mutual enrichment from their differences.

5. A state of democracy ensures that the processes by which

power is acceded to, wielded and alternates allow for free politi-

cal competition and are the product of open, free and non-

discriminatory participation by the people, exercised in accordance

with the rule of law, in both letter and spirit.

6. Democracy is inseparable from the rights set forth in the

international instruments recalled in the preamble. These rights must therefore be applied effectively and their proper exercise

must be matched with individual and collective responsibilities.

7. Democracy is founded on the primacy of the law and the

exercise of human rights. In a democratic State, no one is above

the law and all are equal before the law.

8. Peace and economic, social and cultural development are

both conditions for and fruits of democracy. There is thus inter-

dependence between peace, development, respect for and obser-

vance of the rule of law and human rights.

The elements and exercise of democratic government

9. Democracy is based on the existence of well-structured

and well-functioning institutions, as well as on a body of stan-

dards and rules and on the will of society as a whole, fully conver-

sant with its rights and responsibilities.

10. It is for democratic institutions to mediate tensions and

maintain equilibrium between the competing claims of diversity

and uniformity, individuality and collectivity, in order to enhance

social cohesion and solidarity.

11. Democracy is founded on the right of everyone to take part

in the management of public affairs; it therefore requires the exist-

ence of representative institutions at all levels and, in particular, a

Parliament in which all components of society are represented and

which has the requisite powers and means to express the will of the

people by legislating and overseeing government action.

12. The key element in the exercise of democracy is the holding

of free and fair elections at regular intervals enabling the people's

will to be expressed. These elections must be held on the basis of

universal, equal and secret suffrage so that all voters can choose

their representatives in conditions of equality, openness and trans-

parency that stimulate political competition. To that end, civil and

political rights are essential, and more particularly among them, the

rights to vote and to be elected, the rights to freedom of expression

and assembly, access to information and the right to organise politi-

cal parties and carry out political activities. Party organisation, ac-

tivities, finances, funding and ethics must be properly regulated in

an impartial manner in order to ensure the integrity of the demo-

cratic processes.


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