History, asked by hamanidb5952, 7 months ago

Analyze the extent to which United States foreign policy of sovereignty and expansion was successful in the period 1783-1860.


Answered by Anonymous

Answer :

1) One of the most influental statements of republicanism was George Washington's farewell address. The farewell address made no clear distinction between domestic and foreign policies; John Quincy Adams interpreted Washington's policy as advocating a strong nationalist foreign policy while not limiting America's international activities. The address quickly set American values regarding foreign affairs. Washington's policy of non-involment in the foreign affairs of the Old World was largely embraced by the founding generation of American statesmen.

Answered by smartbrainz

United States foreign policy of sovereignty and expansion  in the period 1783-1860


  • One of the most important foreign policy was the Monroe policy which  opposed the interference in the Western hemisphere from external/outside powers
  • As per the policies the Old World & New World would have different systems and should remain distinct spheres. Hence, President Jame Monroe made 4 fundamental points
  1. The US would not meddle in the Europe's internal affairs or battles amongst other European powers
  2. The US acknowledged and would not meddle with prevailing colonies  as well as dependencies in Western Hemisphere  
  3. Closure of the Western Hemisphere to future colonization;
  4. Any attempts by European powers to suppress/control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be considered as a hostile act against the US
  • The Monroe Doctrine was eventually unsuccessful in keeping the US out of European affairs, while advocating a strong nationalist foreign policy it did not limit the US international activities (intervention in nations such as Latin America, forexample, to contain the spreading of communism). It also kept the US safe none of the nations wanted  to battle with one another.
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