English, asked by randombay4, 6 hours ago

Analyze the following persuasive memo. List its weaknesses and revise it.

Date: Current
To: Alexandra Schwab, VP, Media Relations
From: Norman Porticella, Product Manager
Subject: T-Shirts From China

Trade shows are a great way for us to meet customers and sell our Life Fitness equipment. But instead of
expanding our visits to these trade shows, we continue to cut back the number that we attend. Lately we’ve
been sending fewer staff members. I know that you’ve been asking us to find ways to reduce costs, but
perhaps we’re not going about it right.

With increased air fares and hotel charges, my staff has tried to find ways to live within our very tight budget.Yet, we’re being asked to find additional ways to reduce our costs. I’m currently thinking ahead to the big Las Vegas trade show coming up in September.

One area where we could make a change is in the gift that we give away. In the past we have presented booth visitors with a nine-color T-shirt that is silk screened and gorgeous. But it comes at a cost of $15 for each and every one of these beauties from a top-name designer. To save money, I suggest that we try a $4 T-shirt made in China, which is reasonably presentable. It’s got our name on it, and, after all, folks just use these shirts for workouts. Who cares if it is a fancy silk-screened T-shirt or a functional Chinese one that has “Life Fitness” plastered on the chest? Since we give away 2,000 T-shirts at our largest show, we could save big bucks by dumping the designer shirt. But we have to act quickly. I’ve enclosed a cheap one for you to see.
Let me know what you think.

List at least five weaknesses.​


Answered by ADITYASIR3434


thanks for the same and help to be in your family and friends and I will do Mark ☺️ and I will send my another number I will do your guests is not a 4uzzgftjgg

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