Social Sciences, asked by Santoshithakur183, 2 months ago

Analyze the information given below, considering one of the following correct options: (i) It is form by the deposition brought down by the rivers. (ii) It is highly fertile. (iii) It consists of various proportions of sand, silt and clay (iv) It is rich in potash, phosphoric acid and lime. (a) Main features of Alluvial soil (b) Main features of black soil (c) Main features of arid soil (d) Main features of laterite soil ​


Answered by sagarbanoth03


main features of alluvial soil is it is very fertile , the crops can get good results . alluvial soil need less fertilizer s .it is rich in humus , alluvial soil contain an ample amount. of necessary nutrients like potash , phosphoric acid and lime.

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