analyze the role of swami Vivekananda in social reformation.
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Swami Vivekananda and world social order
Vivekananda stayed in America for more than three years. This long stay was full of intense activity .Vivekananda began to
offer classes, free of any charge to his sincere students. After delivering numerous lectures and classes in New York during this
time, he founded first Vedanta Society in America. He also trained a group of close disciples at Thousand Island park. Swami
saw in Margaret a great future in the work for India. Swami's lectures in England form Janna yoga. The results of his work
produced such an impression that he was offered the chair of Eastern Philosophy at both Harvard University and Columbia
University. He had laboured hard to give this message to the West that Vedanta forms the universal principle basic to all religions
and his efforts resulted in the establishment of the first centre for yoga work on a permanent basis in the United States. He
returned to India at 1896.At madras he delivered public lectures which was a call to rise and build a new India.
He described India's neglect of masses as a national sin. The social status of women in India was also a matter of grave concern
for him. India's ethnic and religious diversity for him was never a matter to be worried about, for India had always sought her
unity in love and respect for different sects and communities .He aspired for a new social order and new civilization in which
best spiritual traditions of India would be combined with the latest advancement in the field of science and technology. He
preached "Jive is shiva", meaning every being is a part of God. He gave this call to Indians to "Arise, awake and stop not till the
goal is reached.". This great man of India died at the young age of 39 on the 4th of July 1902.He established two monasteries in
the name of Sri Ramakrishna, one at baronage and the other at blur, near Calcutta. Till today his work is carried out in these
Missions. He said to his followers, "It may be that I shall find it good to get outside my body-to cast it off like a worn -out
garment. But I shall not cease to work. I shall inspire men everywhere, until the world shall know that it is one with God."Tagore
once advised Romaine Rolland,"If you want to know India, study Vivekananda". In a short life of 39 years, he produced classics
such as Janna yoga, Bhatia yoga, Karma yoga and raja yoga. He delivered numerous lectures, composed many poems and was
spiritual guide to many seekers who came to him for instruction.He organized Ramakrishna order of monks. Swami Vivekananda
once spoke of himself as a "Condensed India".
Social reforms On Poverty
Although Swami Vivekananda was a man of meditation and religion, he was game for activity and work that would lead to rise
in productivity and eradication of poverty. He along with his mentor, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, has always said that "religion
is not for empty stomachs." He has literally helped to shock people out of their comfort zone and inspired them into action. So
we see that Swamiji triggered the course of life in modern India by motivating the Rajasic virtues in the Indian denizens. He
also inspired them to enhance their present condition and not be content with the current life of degradation and poverty.
According to Vivekananda, religion had to be the primary and steering force in executing al the social changes in the country
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