Analyze the tendency of distribution of population by development region
It means in central development region there is more facilities, services, and opportunities which are needed by the people. Whereas due lack of facilities, opportunities, and services in a Far western region there are fewer people.The main factors determining population distribution are : climate, landforms, topography, soil, energy and mineral resources, accessibility like distance from sea coast, natural harbours, navigable rivers or canals, cultural factors, political boundaries, controls on migration and trade, government policiesAccording to the Housing and Population Census 2011, the total population of Nepal is 28,431,494 of which 49% are male and 51% are female and has a population density of 180 per sq. km.The way in which people are spread across a given area is known as population distribution. Geographers study population distribution patterns at different scales: local, regional, national, and global. A busy junction in Cairo. Patterns of population distribution tend to be uneven