Analyzes how problems in diversity have influenced societal change
As society continues to become more diverse, these diversity of lifestyles,experiences and value systems has had huge influences on socialinteraction, internal integration of societies ad self-conception. Problemsassociated with diversity have necessitated change in society in thefollowing ways:Contact across borders -Ethnic diversity can attract a feeling of mistrustamong citizens and societal institutions where foreigners are viewed as athreat and they bring about a feeling of contrast to this, somestudies have shown that regional economic dynamics can be improved in adiverse population, and a climate of tolerance is built. In this view,diversity is linked to creativity, vitality and openness, where areas withmultiple cultures tend to be a breeding ground for new ideas. Everydaycontact is essential for a civilized co-existence among individuals in adiverse society. This contact is thought to foster positive attitude,cooperation and solidarity among groups in the diverse society.The choice of friends –Several factors that determine how a personal network is built have been identified. They include: (i) preference for social relationships with particular people that share certain similarity. (ii)