Physics, asked by kjanan982, 1 day ago

ance on dry roads, show
resources to collect data
tyres you
B. 30 N
D. 9.8 N/kg
294 N
Force needed to produce an acceleration of 10 ms' in a ball of mass
A. 30 kg
chosen. Compare these
research and place itin
0.5kg is
A. 20 N
dynamics cart with other
B. 10.5 N C.9.5 N
D 5 N
Ball A collide with ball B which is at rest, after the collision which of
the following condition is not possible
@ball A comes to rest and ball B start moving
B. both balls move in same direction
C. both balls move in opposite directions
D. both balls are at rest
crash into a steel railing
easure the forces applied
acher approves your plan
ch will prove to produce
earch different conveye
Friction analyze the fabri
are a presentation, charu
What is the mass of a car that is traveling with a velocity of 20 m/s[W]
and a momentum of 22000 kg m/s[W]
A. 440000 kg B. 21980 kg
C. 22020 kg D. 1100 kg
An object at earth and taken to moon should have
A. less mass/less weight B. same mass/more weight
C. same mass/less weight D. less mass/same weight
The unit of coefficient of friction is
A. N
D. it has no units
The centripetal acceleration for an object of mass 1 kg moving with 6
m/s in a circle of radius 3 m is.
A. 18 ms B. 12 ms? C. 10 ms? D. 2 ms?
How many times the centripetal force will increase if the mass of a
body moving with uniform speed in a circle is doubled?
A. Six time B. Two times C. Four times D. Eight times
B. kg
uring the target-shooting
25.0 g bullets at 6151
him about how these gun
stify your answer, disp.​


Answered by rakeshpatel051981



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