And even there, his eye being big with tears,
Turning his face, he put his hand behind him,
And with affection wondrous sensible
He wrong Bassanio’s hand; and so they parted.
a. Who is the speaker of these words? To whom are these words spoken?
b. What does Bassanio tell Antonio as they part?
c. What advice does ‘he’ give Bassanio just before parting?
d. Who turns his face and why?
e. Relate two developments that take place before this incidence and have a
bearing on the course of future events
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At Belmont, Portia would like Bassanio to delay before he chooses one of the caskets. Already she has fallen in love with him, and she fears the outcome. She asks him to "tarry," to "pause a day or two," to "forbear awhile"; anything, she tells him, to keep him from possibly choosing the wrong casket. Bassanio, however, begs to choose one of them. His anxiety is too great. If he waits, it is as though he "lives on the rack." Thus Portia acquiesces and tells her servants that this choice is no ordinary choice; therefore, she would like music to be played "while he doth make his choice."
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