English, asked by kushmoriani16161616, 5 months ago


describe the condition in which the woman lived & three shortcomings in her character .


Answered by prapoosg


Read the following article and write a precis for it:

India has witnessed great expansion of educational opportunities since the attainment of

independence. However, the disabled children have not yet benefited in any substantial

manner from the growth in educational facilities. Education of handicapped children is not

considered important as it is believed that such children ultimately become more dependent

and non-productive. It is therefore believed that scarce national resources should not be

wasted on them.

Further, it has been our misconceived notion that the education of handicapped children

requires highly specialized people and as such, it must essentially be very costly. Maybe,

precisely for these wrong notions, we have not been able to involve clinical and educational

specialization programmes of training and education exclusively meant for handicapped


It is encouraging to note that the new National Policy on Education has recommended the

placement of such children in regular schools so as to provide them with integrated

education along with normal students. The integrated education will take care of the

different needs of various categories and types of disabled children. The objective is to place

the disabled children in ordinary schools for imparting education with the help of special

teachers, aids and other resources. For fulfilling this objective an array of the necessary

infrastructure by way of training of teachers, provision of equipment and book etc. are some

of the basic pre-requisites. Hopefully, the parents and their handicapped children will be

greatly relieved when the latter are transferred to regular schools.

Answered by khushbuyadav599488


the woman and her three childrens lived in a old tumbled down Hut which was not in a good condition she even don't have decent clothes to wear for her funeral and her childrens were starving for food..

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