angiosperms differ from gymnosperms in having..
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........ Flowers.......
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- Angiosperm differ from gymnosperm in having specialised structure to cover seeds as in gymnosperm the seeds are naked
- In angiosperm the seeds are enclosed by fruits while in gymnosperm the seeds are not covered by any fruit wall and remain exposed
- Double fertilisation where fertilisation of egg cell and two polar nuclei (diploid secondary nucleus) take place at same time is found in angiosperm where it is absent in gymnosperm
- In angiosperm, there is presence of xylem vessels while xylem tracheids are present in gymnosperm
- In gymnosperm seeds are formed through cones while cones are absent in angiosperm
- Endosperm is haploid in gymnosperm while it is triploid in angiosperm
- Angiosperm are found as herbs, shrubs and trees while gymnosperm are mostly found as trees
- Angiosperm are pollinated by insects while gymnosperm are pollinated by wind
- Companion cells are found in angiosperm while there is absence of companion cells in phloem in gymnosperm
- Angiosperm are evergreen or deciduous but gymnosperm are mostly evergreen trees
Knowledge Booster:
- Study of gymnosperm are called gymnospermology
- Angiosperm are divided into two classes called monocot and dicot
- In xylem angiosperm contain vessels, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma and in phloem it contain sieve tube, companion cells, phloem fibres and phloem parenchyma
- In xylem gymnosperm contain tracheids, xylem fibres and xylem parenchyma while in phloem it contain albuminous cells, sieve cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres
- Gymnosperm and Angiosperm are called seed bearing plants or spermatophyta
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