Angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of other two angles smallest angle is 1 by 4 of largest angle find the angle of 18
find the angle of 18? What does that mean?
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SOLUTION: The larger angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other angles. The smallest angle is 1/4 of the largest angle. Find the angles of the triangle.
Question 756274: The larger angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other angles. The smallest angle is 1/4 of the largest angle. Find the angles of the triangle.
Answer by KMST(5158) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
In all triangles, the measures of all 3 angles add up to .
If the measure of the larger angle of your triangle is equal to the sum of measures of the other 2 angles,
then the larger angle measures .
(That means that it is a right triangle).
If the measure of the smallest angle is  of the measure of the largest angle,
then the measure of the smallest angle is .
(Your teacher may prefer the result written as ' instead of ).
The third angle measure has to add up to  with the measureof the other 2 angles,
so the other angle measures 
 = measure of the largest angle
 = measure of the smallest angle
 = measure of the other angle
The information given is 
and we know that for all triangles 
 -->  -->  -->  --> 
 -->  --> .
 -->  -->  --> 
In a triangle the smallest angle measures 12 degrees less than the middle angle. The... (answered by checkley79)The measure of the smallest angle of a triangle is 1/4 the measure of the largest angle.... (answered by ewatrrr)one angle of a triangle is 4 times as large as another. the third angle is equal to the... (answered by solovelyy<3)The sum of the 3 angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. In triangle PQR, the largest angle... (answered by checkley79)One angle of a triangle is 1/3 the largest angle, but twice the smallest. Find the... (answered by rfer)One angle of a triangle is 1/3 the largest angle, but twice the smallest. Find the... (answered by Targetweek)the measure of one angle of a triangle is three times the measure of the smallest angle,... (answered by cleomenius)One angle in a triangle measures twice the smallest angle, whereas the largest angle is... (answered by checkley71)One angle in a triangle measures five times the smallest angle, whereas the largest angle (answered by Tatiana_Stebko)
Question 756274: The larger angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other angles. The smallest angle is 1/4 of the largest angle. Find the angles of the triangle.
Answer by KMST(5158) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
In all triangles, the measures of all 3 angles add up to .
If the measure of the larger angle of your triangle is equal to the sum of measures of the other 2 angles,
then the larger angle measures .
(That means that it is a right triangle).
If the measure of the smallest angle is  of the measure of the largest angle,
then the measure of the smallest angle is .
(Your teacher may prefer the result written as ' instead of ).
The third angle measure has to add up to  with the measureof the other 2 angles,
so the other angle measures 
 = measure of the largest angle
 = measure of the smallest angle
 = measure of the other angle
The information given is 
and we know that for all triangles 
 -->  -->  -->  --> 
 -->  --> .
 -->  -->  --> 
In a triangle the smallest angle measures 12 degrees less than the middle angle. The... (answered by checkley79)The measure of the smallest angle of a triangle is 1/4 the measure of the largest angle.... (answered by ewatrrr)one angle of a triangle is 4 times as large as another. the third angle is equal to the... (answered by solovelyy<3)The sum of the 3 angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. In triangle PQR, the largest angle... (answered by checkley79)One angle of a triangle is 1/3 the largest angle, but twice the smallest. Find the... (answered by rfer)One angle of a triangle is 1/3 the largest angle, but twice the smallest. Find the... (answered by Targetweek)the measure of one angle of a triangle is three times the measure of the smallest angle,... (answered by cleomenius)One angle in a triangle measures twice the smallest angle, whereas the largest angle is... (answered by checkley71)One angle in a triangle measures five times the smallest angle, whereas the largest angle (answered by Tatiana_Stebko)
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