Animal feel/sense changes around them with the help of these sense organs
Animals feel or sense changes around them with the help of their organs.
Some examples are:
(1) BAT: BATS use ultrasound technique to locate things. They even use it for hunting.
They can easily get to know the location and distance of the object by the echo it creates.
(2) Snakes: Snakes do not have a good eye-sight and they use their sense of smell to know about their surroundigns
Various sensory organs in different animals:-
Dogs- have 10000-100000 times more powerful sense of smell than human.Thus they are used by police in many places.
Ants - Use long thin antennae for the purpose and also to find directions.
Mosquitoes- Can sense the specific odor of a human ,thus move towards us.
Shark- Move towards their prey by using their strong sense of smell
Snakes- Smell through their forked tongue .They move their tongue outwards to collect scent particles from the air.
Eagles - have 4-8 times stronger vision than humans. They have a 340° vision .Even though they weigh less their eyes are of same size as that of human.
Vulture and hawks also have a similar kind of vision.
Ants and Flies- have compound eyes made up of many lenses.
Owls - Have very large eyes enabling them to capture lot of light, to catch their prey in the dark.
Bees and butterflies can see colours which even human cannot.
Dogs Cats Mice- Can only see the colours blue ,grey and yellow
Nocturnal animals - Can only see colors black and white.
Dolphins - cannot smell but can taste their food.
Butterflies and bees- Their feet contains taste receptors
Earthworm- The whole body of earthworm has taste receptors.
Snakes- have no external ears. They can feel the vibrations on the ground and thus are able to locate their prey
Bats- use echolocation to catch their prey.
Spiders grasshoppers cockroach- use hairs present on their body to hear the sounds.
Nocturnal animals uses their whiskers to navigate in dark.The whiskers can detect the changes in the air currents.
Insects - Their wings contains touch receptors
Fishes- Have sensory organs on both sides of their body ,along a line.
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