Computer Science, asked by jamesholt, 5 months ago

animal = input("Enter an animal: ")
sound = input ("Enter a sound: ")

e = "E"

print ("Old Macdonald had a farm, " + e)
print ("And on his farm he had a" + animal + "," + e)
print ("With a " + animal + "-" + animal + " here and a" + sound + "-" + sound + " there")
print ("Here a "+ sound+ " there a " +sound)
print ("Everywhere a" + sound + "-" + animal )
print ("Old Macdonald had a farm," + e)

There are a few errors in the code provided in the Code Editor. Your task is to debug the code so that it outputs the verses correctly.
Please help me debug this code


Answered by Neonoby




Answered by tuktuki8


The text of this question isn't understandable, i only can write code in python:

a = input("Enter an animal: ")

s = input("Enter a sound: ")

e = "E"

print("Old Macdonald had a farm "+ e)

print("And on his farm he had a" + a + "," + e)

print("With a " + a + "-" + a + " here and a " + s + "-" + s + " there")

print("Here a "+ s+ " there a " +s)

print("Everywhere a" + s + "-" + a )

print("Old Macdonald had a farm, " + e)

please mark as brain list

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