animals and birds living in torrid zone
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The animals thriving in the torrid zone includes zebra, cheetah, kangaroo, lion, etc. whereas the bird category involves sparrows, thrushes, hawks, eagles, etc.
- The torrid zone experiences rainfall, lush plants and blooming trees and animal life.
- The climate here mainly remains warm and humid due to high rainfall.
- In this zone, the sun directly is on the head at least once a year.
- It also is in very close proximity to the equator and gets the maximum amount of heat.
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Eagles, Parrot, toicains, jaguar, elephants, lions and many more are found living in torrid zone
- The torrid zone is the part of the earth that is near to the equator and has large biodiversity of species and accounts for the tropics of cancer and Capricorn. This zone was first identified by Aristotle.
- As this zone is located close to the equator it has a warm and hot type of climate and has a large scale of rainfall due to the interaction of ITCZ. The region accounts for more than 160,000 species of plants and a diverse range of animal kingdom.
Learn more about the animals and birds living in torrid zone.
- answered by hotelcalifornia.
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