English, asked by megoporg, 5 months ago

Animals cannot talk like as a human speech is
1. Complex process
2. easy process
3. complete process
4. confused process​


Answered by amanpreetnotay0520


Many animals are able to communicate with each other very well-but none of them can talk as we

do. That is, animals cannot speak and therfore cannot use words.

Birds cry out and make sounds that other birds understand. Smells, movements, and sounds

are used for communication by animals. They express joy or anger or fear through these.

Human speech is a very complicated process, which no animal can perform. One reason is that in

a very special way we use a whole series of organs to produce the sounds we want to make when

we utter words. The way our vocal cords are made to vibrate, the way the throat, mouth and nasal

cavities are adjusted, the way the lips, teeth, lower jaw, tongue, and palate are moved just to make

vowel and consonant sounds, is something animals can't do.

They cannot produce a whole series of words to make a sentence. And there is another, perhaps

more important reason why animals can't talk.

Words are only labels for objects, actions, feelings expressions and ideas. For example, the word

'bird' is a label for a living, flying object. Other words describe its colour, shape, flying and singing. 3

Still other words would be used to tell what the speaker thinks or feels about the bird or its actions.

For human beings, therefore, the use of words means the use of labels or symbols, and then

organizing them in a certain way to communicate something.

This requires a degree of intelligence and logical thinking that no animals have. So, they can't talk  the way people do.

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