English, asked by araj67613, 8 months ago

Animals feel the same pain as humans because of separation. Describe the whole incident of

separation in the story “The Bond of Love”. Answer in (100-120 words)​


Answered by Anonymous


am going to expatiate on 'Animals Also Feel Pleasure of Love and Pain of Separation. Edward Freeman has rightly said,“The awful wrongs and sufferings forced upon the innocent, helpless, faithfulanimal race form the blackest chapter in the whole world's history." Godcreated all life forms with equal care and love. As man loves freedom, so doall forms of animals. Man uses animals for his pleasure, entertainment andconvenience. This is man’s cruelty to animals! Have animals ever

Answered by gaganverma921167

In a mutual relationship love is an emotion which exists profoundly. However, how one is able to reciprocate the emotion of love is very well projected in the story The Bond of love. ... Bruno understood the pain of his master when he was poisoned and such situations explains mutual love without speaking word.

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