Animals have been very useful to humans since the prehistoric times. Have you ever witnessed human cruelty against animals? What are the different ways in which you can contribute to stop such practices??
Animal cruelty is real and pervasive. It happens to all different types of animals and in every corner of the world. It’s also preventable and unnecessary.
Reading Time: 18 minutes
animal cruelty
Image via WeAnimals
Every 60 seconds, an animal gets abused. That’s unconscionable, especially in our advanced culture, but animal cruelty continues to occur all over the world.
Animal cruelty can take many different forms, as you’ll discover below, but the impact is always the same. A sentient animal capable of love and creating social relationships experience pain, fear, and desperation. And it needs to stop.
We live in a world that not only turns a blind eye to animal cruelty but condones it — whether through indifference or legislation. It’s legal to raise chickens in deplorable conditions for the sole purpose of slaughtering them later. If that isn’t animal cruelty, then what is?
The problem is that there aren’t enough people fighting for animal rights. If everyone started to look at animals — and not just dogs and cats — as fellow animals who share our planet, we would see far fewer cases of cruelty toward animals.
First, though, we have to spread awareness. What is animal cruelty? What does it look like? And how can we stop contributing to it?
Yes , I have witness the cruelty of humans on animals . We can stop this whenever everyone will understand that they also have lives and children of God.
Hope this helped you .