Art, asked by swayamprava12, 2 months ago

Anneyonghaseo Guys! :)
Name the list of all korean K-pops.

No Spammin'!! ​


Answered by anuradharanderia



can we friend

myself harshi

class 8 please give you intro

I like you listen k- pop song of bantan boy

Answered by AaliyaMumtaz376

Jeremy Zag has shared with us that big reveal between Marinette and Adrien has already been written and at that half of the season 5 was I have a feeling that the reveal is in season 5 and as for the sentimonster theory I hate it...Adrien is just very sweet and many ppl have debunked and if he were to be sentimonster that would take away all the fun out of the don't worry he is definitely not a sentimonster and if you are still not convinced you can watch some debunking theories on it.Also the voice director,Ezra has debunked this theory himself too..

I am Aaliya

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