Annual function five sentence
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School's annual day is the best part of our school. At this time we enjoy a lot. we practice our dances our songs and many other this time we only just think that how to make our annual day a special one . We try to give our best to make it the best
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was a glorious day for the school, festoons hung from every corner, the whole place was lit up, cobwebs that seemed as old as the spiders that built them were dusted down, the scraggly security guard seemed shaven for once, the bus drivers were seen washing down the buses assiduously, 1st standard teachers were seen shooing the kids inside and asking them to stay quiet, the school choir killed time and others by rehearsing, the compere was seen scribbling something furiously in that ragged half sheet she had, the girls were heard asking others whether their dress looked neat, half the boys were seen trying to polish their shoes with the back of their pants, the other half were sullen faced as they imitated the earlier half and ended up with black marks on their white pants because their over-enthusiastic parents had polished the shoes for them, the lady teachers in the staffroom were seen looking at the clock intently and at the right intervals, take out their cosmetic box and powder themselves up, the male teachers on the other hand alternated between pulling their trousers chest high and occasionally taking the pocket comb and weaving through their pate, the gateman was seen with a weird hat that remotely looked like Maharaja of Jaipur’s footman’s regal headgear, one PT teacher was seen sounding off the latecomers, one more was seen checking whether her blazer with the DPS emblem was neat while the third leg of the triangle was running about enquiring about tea, lime juice and biscuits, the monitors were seen bossily eyeing their wards and sounding off best friends for swatting flies with a steel scale, the head boy was quiet in all this melee,
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